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Vitamins Responsible for hair loss: get to Know Them

 Vitamins Responsible for hair loss: get to Know Them

Many suffer from the problem of hair loss, which is caused by malnutrition and lack of vitamins, so what are the vitamins responsible for hair loss?

We all try to get rid of the problem of hair loss by knowing the vitamins responsible for hair loss to treat its deficiency in the body, so this article is dedicated to learning all the vitamins responsible for hair loss:

Vitamins responsible for hair loss

In fact, there are a group of vitamins whose deficiency causes hair loss, so let's get to know them as follows:

1. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an important vitamin in the human body, as its deficiency leads to many problems, including hair loss.

It is recommended to check the level of vitamin D deficiency in the laboratory and keep it within the required level without a decrease.

People get vitamin D from the following sources:

Sunlight is the main source of vitamins, but it is not recommended to sit in the sun for a long time so as not to cause damage to the skin.

Some types of foods, as some food sources contain vitamin D, the most important of which are:

fish, including salmon.



Vitamin D fortified milk.

Vitamin D supplements, which can be obtained from pharmacies, but only under the advice of a doctor.

2. Vitamins B complex

B complex vitamins are among the most prominent vitamins responsible for hair loss, including:

Vitamin B7

A study published in 2016 proved that 38% of women who suffer from hair loss suffer from a deficiency of vitamin B7, or what is known as biotin. normal in the body.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is one of the important vitamins in the body, and its deficiency leads to hair loss and anemia, which makes it one of the vitamins responsible for hair loss if it is deficient.

It is worth noting that sufficient dietary amounts of vitamin B12 can be taken by eating red meat in particular.

3. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an essential antioxidant for the body, and vitamin E deficiency is one of the causes of baldness.

Vitamin E can be used to help hair growth and reduce the chance of hair loss. Vitamin E can be obtained from its food sources, which are:




4. Vitamin A

Vitamin A is one of the controversial vitamins responsible for hair loss, as it is the vitamin responsible for hair loss for two opposite reasons:

Its deficiency in the body: Vitamin A is one of the fat-soluble vitamins, and its deficiency leads to the slow growth of hair follicles, which leads to the length of time needed to increase hair length and growth.

Increasing it in the body: On the other hand, increasing the intake of vitamin A above its normal level leads to hair loss by reaching the hair follicles to the last stage of growth quickly before they grow properly.

Therefore, it is recommended to take vitamin A only when it is deficient and under the advice of a doctor. From the following food sources of vitamin A:


Leafy vegetables.


the milk.

Other causes of hair loss

In addition to the vitamins responsible for hair loss, there are other causes of hair loss, the most important of which are the following:

Genetic factors: Heredity plays an important role in hair and its health, as weak hair and baldness are among the things that may be caused by genetics.

Hormonal change: Women during pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause suffer hormonal changes that may affect hair health and strength.

Taking some types of medications: Some medications, such as depression medications, cancer medications, and pressure medications, may lead to hair loss.

Radiation exposure: Radiation therapy may lead to hair loss and thinning.

Stress: A person's exposure to emotional or nervous tension due to circumstances he has gone through may lead to hair loss.

Wrong practices: Using chemicals and treating hair with high heat exposes it to weakness and brittleness.

Tips to reduce hair loss

Here are some tips to prevent hair loss:

Treating the deficiency of vitamins responsible for hair loss, which was mentioned earlier.

Limit smoking.

Reduce drinking alcohol.

Eat a completely healthy diet.

Avoid brushing your hair while it is wet.

Avoid stress.

Drink plenty of fluids.

Minimize the use of thermal hair straighteners.

Scalp massage; To promote blood circulation.

Take some medications that help hair growth, such as Minoxidil.
