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Testosterone, known as the male hormone, is one of the most important factors that increase fertility and chances of having children, but a diet that does not provide proper nutrition and foods that contain benefits to increase hormone levels in the body affects male fertility and thus harms intimacy and fertility.

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In this article, we will talk about foods that reduce testosterone, which are recommended to be avoided, according to "Medical news today"

1- Soy products

Most men who follow a diet or eat healthy food resort to soy products such as soybeans, tofu, and soy milk, but soy products contain phytoestrogens, and these compounds are similar to the female hormone estrogen and work in the same way as this hormone works in the body.

The relationship between soy products to testosterone levels seems ambiguous, but some studies have found that soy products lead to higher estrogen levels.

2- Dairy products

Some men drink a flask of milk every morning; To strengthen the muscles, most men's diet includes dairy products, but some studies indicate that cow's milk in particular reduces testosterone in the blood, and some nutrition experts attribute this to the fact that cows eat fodder containing soybeans.


Although there are some studies indicating that consuming a small amount of alcohol leads to higher levels of testosterone, the American Library of Medicine published a study stating that drinking alcohol regularly and for a long time reduces testosterone levels in the blood.


The surprise was that mint is among one the foods that reduce testosterone since it contains menthol, a substance that acts as a sedative and at the same time reduces the level of the male hormone, but mint is used as a remedy to increase testosterone levels in women in complementary and alternative medicine.

5- Sweets and pastries

The "Nutrients" magazine published a study on the relationship between eating sweets and pastries to the testosterone hormone in men in Taiwan. The study revealed a decrease in the male hormone in men after eating sweets. The study attributes this to the increase in unsaturated fats in sweets and pastries, which leads to a decrease in muscle mass and a decrease in hormones. testosterone.

6- Licorice

The results of a study published in the Journal of Complementary Medicine revealed that licorice reduces testosterone in women during menstruation, in addition to the nutritional supplements taken by a group of animals, which affected their male hormone, and thus causes a lack of fertility and a lack of childbearing opportunities, although this does not There is no study conducted so far on the relationship of licorice to testosterone levels in men.

7- Fats and Omega 3

Men are keen to eat omega-3 abundantly, but a study published by the "Asian Journal of Andrology" reveals that excessive intake of omega-3 acids reduces the size of the testicles and eliminates testosterone in the body. Nutrition experts advise moderation in eating omega-3.

Unsaturated fats such as hydrogenated oils hurt male hormone levels in the body, and the published study found that healthy males with high levels of testosterone do not eat foods that contain fat., known as the male hormone, is one of the most important factors that increase fertility and chances of having children, but a diet that does not provide proper nutrition and foods that contain benefits to increase hormone levels in the body affects male fertility, and thus harms intimacy and fertility.
