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6 Herbs lower testosterone

6 Herbs that reduce testosterone

These are some herbs and plants that may help reduce high male hormone levels:

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1. Mint

Peppermint contains essential oils and natural substances that may have a positive effect on body hormones, including the male hormone, as these substances may help:

Rebalancing the levels of body hormones in women.

Reducing high levels of male hormones in women may help combat problems associated with high levels of this hormone, such as the problem of excessive hair (Hirsutism).

Raising levels of female hormones in the body such as luteinizing hormone, which the female reproductive system needs to carry out its usual functions, such as ovulation.

So if you are looking for herbs that reduce male hormones, you may find what you want in mint, all you have to do is eat a little mint regularly or drink a cup or two of warm mint regularly daily.

2. Soy

The soy plant naturally contains phytoestrogens, or what is known as plant estrogens, and this type of compound works when it enters the body like that of the estrogen hormone and may contribute to lowering high testosterone levels.

However, it should be noted that the currently available scientific evidence regarding the ability of soy to lower testosterone levels or raise estrogen levels is still subject to question, and it is believed that the effect of soy on hormones may be temporary and may disappear with the cessation of soy consumption.

The potential benefits of soy in this regard can be reaped by eating soy products, such as miniature soybeans or edamame and tofu.

3. Green tea

When talking about herbs that reduce the male hormone, we must touch on green tea, as the Chinese camellia herb (Camellia sinensis) from which green tea is made contains compounds that may have a natural effect that resists male hormones, such as compounds that are scientifically called epigallocates. (Epigallocatechin), these compounds may help inhibit the production of some male hormones, such as dihydrotestosterone.

So drinking green tea can help combat some of the problems associated with excessive male hormones in the body, such as acne and baldness.

4. Maryam's palm plant

Maryam's palm plant is one of the common plants and herbs used in the treatment of hormonal imbalances, as this plant may cause certain changes in the production of prolactin in the body.

These changes in the prolactin hormone may in turn affect the production of other hormones in the body, as it may lead to a decrease in testosterone levels to the point that some people consider Maryam’s palm as a natural contraceptive for men.

5. Licorice

Licorice contains compounds that may have a positive effect on different hormones in the body, such as the following compounds: Glycyrrhetic acid and phytoestrogens.

So, licorice may help:

Reducing testosterone levels in women may help combat hirsutism.

Providing the body with compounds that mimic the effect of estrogen, which may help: resist menstrual disorders, and alleviate menopausal symptoms.

6. Other herbs

Other plants and herbs may also help reduce male hormones in the body, such as:

black cohosh.

Saw palmetto.

Reishi mushrooms.


Other foods may reduce the male hormone

After we put forward a list containing herbs that reduce the male hormone and away from herbs and plants, these are some other foods that may contribute to reducing the levels of this type of hormone:

Foods are rich in certain types of fats, such as omega-6 fatty acids.

Various baked goods and sweets. A diet rich in this type of food and poor in vegetables may lower testosterone levels.

Milk and products, especially those made from cow's milk.

Other foods, dairies such as flaxseeds, fish, and nuts.

Other ways to treat high male hormone levels

It is preferable to consult a doctor when any of the symptoms indicating an increase in the male hormone appear, and the treatment methods that the doctor may recommend depending on the cause that originally led to the high levels of the male hormone, and here are some of the options offered:

Stop using steroids or testosterone supplements, if the use of any of them is the cause of the high male hormone.

Treatment of some cancerous tumors, if cancer is the cause of the hormonal imbalance.

Using some types of medication, such as female oral contraceptives, to slow down the rate of excess hair growth.

Not getting treatment for high levels of testosterone can cause:

Stimulating the emergence of complications, some of which are serious, such as heart or liver problems.

Raising the chances of developing some diseases, such as prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women.
