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BEST 10 TIPS for shrink prostate enlargment

 Top 10 tips for prostate patients

These are some of the symptoms of an enlarged prostate that may occur with age, and he needs to know tips for prostate patients to be able to deal with the current situation.

Advice for prostate patients

Prostate enlargement can be due to benign prostatic hyperplasia or inflammation of the prostate. According to research, benign prostatic hyperplasia affects half of men over the age of fifty, and 90% of those over the age of eighty. As for prostatitis, it affects 2-10% of men of every age.

So if you have been diagnosed with an enlarged prostate, you are not alone and most men suffer with you, but the severity of symptoms varies from person to person, but there are tips for prostate patients that make you cope with the situation.

1- You have to watch what you eat

Symptoms that bother patients with an enlarged prostate include frequent urination, weak urine stream, difficulty urinating that may lead to urinary retention, and some foods affect hormones and enzymes that result in changes in the size of the prostate gland that may increase or limit this increase, and some foods affect the amount of urine.

Foods you should not eat in large quantities

We do not recommend abstaining from eating any type of food, but we must eat some foods in limited quantities to avoid the harm resulting from them.

starchy foods:

Starchy foods such as bread, pasta, and rice, you should reduce this type of food because too much of it increases the symptoms of an enlarged prostate.


Excessive intake of proteins, especially animal protein, is harmful to the prostate.

Saturated fat:

Saturated fats are found in many foods such as beef, dairy products, vegetable oils, and pre-packaged items.


Reducing sodium in food not only helps you with prostate enlargement, but it also helps if you suffer from high pressure or heart disease.

hot food.

Foods you should add to your diet

The following foods, of them reduce the size of the prostate, and others reduce the symptoms that bother you.

Fruits and vegetables:

Fruits, especially those that contain lycopene, which is a red pigment found in fruits such as tomatoes, watermelons, grapefruits, papayas, and apricots, reduce the size of the gland and protect it, and increasing the intake of fiber reduces constipation, which may increase the symptoms of prostate diseases.

Vitamin D :

You can take vitamin D in fish such as salmon or as a dietary supplement, and it maintains the size of the prostate.

Nuts that contain zinc:

The prostate gland contains a large amount of zinc, and with benign prostatic hyperplasia, zinc levels decrease, so it is preferable to eat it and you will find it in nuts such as cashews, peanuts, and almonds.

2- You have to be careful with the drinks

I think that what bothers you the most is frequent urination and waking up several times at night to urinate, but don't worry, there are a few tips for prostate patients that will make you sleep better.

Do not drink more than 200 ml of water at once, it is better to sip water than to swallow a large amount at once.

Limit drinks in the evening.

Avoid any liquids at least two hours before you go to bed, especially caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, and soda.

Green tea and hibiscus have a beneficial effect on the symptoms of an enlarged prostate.

Avoid alcohol, as it increases the amount and frequency of urination.

3- Adhere to some instructions when going to the toilet

Be aware that you need to drink water to clean the urethra from the microbes that cause prostatitis, so do not stop drinking water because you are distressed by the symptoms, as this threatens you with dehydration, which is more dangerous, but read tips for prostate patients on how to urinate.

You should go to urinate right before bed to reduce the chance of needing to urinate again while you are asleep.

After you have finished urinating, wait a little before leaving the toilet, and make sure that you empty your bladder completely, to avoid urine residue that forces you to go again.

Before you leave the house or anywhere, you should go to the toilet, even if you don't feel like urinating.

4- Reducing nervous stress

Nervous pressure is one of the reasons for the worsening of the symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate because it increases some of the nerves going to the bladder, which leads to increased problems of intermittent urination, weak urine stream, or even urine retention, so reducing nervous pressure is one of the tips for prostate patients, and you can reduce pressure by Playing sports or resorting to relaxation techniques such as meditation.

5- Maintaining an ideal weight

Excess weight, especially around the waist and hips, increases the severity of symptoms, so be sure to follow a diet and exercise daily to reach the appropriate weight.

6- Doing sports

Sports will help you get an ideal weight and calm your nervous pressure, and in addition to that, it helps you with symptoms related to starting urination or maintaining the stream of urine without interruption and frequent urination problems, so it is included in advice for prostate patients because it helps in various factors.

Kegel exercises are among the most important tips for prostate patients:

Kegel exercises are special exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles and improve urination problems.

Start by holding your pelvic muscles for five seconds, then relax your muscles completely and slowly for five seconds. Repeat this method 10 times 3 times a day. If you feel any pain, stop and start later.

Avoid cycling because it puts pressure on the area between your back muscles and the perineal region, which increases symptoms.

Try not to sit for long periods, so stand up from time to time, because sitting puts pressure on the prostate and increases the chance of inflammation.

7- Maintaining the cleanliness of the penis and the area around it

Prostatitis may be caused by bacteria in the urethra, so you have to wash well to avoid infection.

8- Avoid some medications

Some medications are taken without a doctor's prescription that may worsen your condition, such as antihistamines that are taken for allergies, and decongestants, so you should consult a doctor before taking them to tell you the extent of your condition being affected by them.

9- Dealing with pain

Prostatitis may be acute or chronic, and chronic inflammation may be caused by bacteria or we may not find a cause for it. If you have been diagnosed with acute or chronic inflammation, you may now be experiencing severe pain and need advice for prostate patients on how to deal with this pain, especially if it has become chronic.

The doctor will prescribe some painkillers for you if the inflammation is severe.

find ways to rest; As we mentioned before that stress affects you, and pain increases stress, so you will enter a vicious circle that you have to break with rest.

Try to get enough sleep.

Try to distract yourself when you're in pain by reading or watching TV.

Continue to exercise, it improves your feeling of pain.

10- Visiting a doctor when necessary

The doctor diagnoses you with benign prostatic hyperplasia according to your medical history and the examination he performs, then gives you advice for prostate patients as it is a common and chronic disease.

If you do not feel better after taking the antibiotic for 48 hours, you should return to the doctor to try to find out the reason for the lack of improvement.

If the symptoms continue to increase and interfere with your lifestyle and exhaust you physically, psychologically, or socially, you should discuss the symptoms with him to find other, more effective solutions.

If you feel a complete retention of urine, you should go to the doctor, because this is an emergency situation that requires his intervention.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia does not lead to prostate cancer, but they are similar in symptoms, so you should discuss the symptoms well with the doctor.


Most men need advice for prostate patients, the most important of which is to avoid excessive intake of some foods such as meat and sodium, and a lot of fruits and vegetables, and drink water, but taking into account not to drink two hours before bedtime, and exercise to prevent excess weight, and help them relax, and resort to the doctor when it does not improve symptoms.
