The best time to take vitamins is throughout the day
The body needs vitamins that help promote health, but when is the best time to take vitamins?
The body must get the vitamins it needs, but a doctor must be consulted first before taking any vitamins to ensure that the body needs them and the doses that can be obtained. In this article, we will talk about the best time to take vitamins throughout the day.
The best time to take vitamins
The best time to take vitamins depends on the type of vitamin that is taken. Some vitamins are preferred to be taken on an empty stomach, vitamins are recommended to be taken while eating, and others that are recommended to be taken in the evening, due to the different ways each vitamin is absorbed in the body.
Here's the best time to take vitamins to get maximum benefits:
1. Water-soluble vitamins
Knowing the best time to take vitamins, water-soluble vitamins include vitamin C and most B vitamins.
vitamin C
Vitamin C is one of the vitamins that the body does not store, as it dissolves in water, so vitamin C can be taken at any time of the day in the amount recommended by the doctor.
b vitamins
It is safe to take B vitamins at the same time every day in the dose prescribed by the doctor, and the best time to take vitamin B12 and B vitamins, in general, is in the morning and after waking up from sleep, because it helps to boost energy, and vitamin B6 may affect sleep, so it is recommended to take it In the morning, the group of B vitamins includes the following:
Vitamin B6.
Vitamin B12.
Folic acid.
Pantothenic acid.
2. Fat-soluble vitamins
They are vitamins that dissolve in fats, and therefore you must eat fatty foods to help them dissolve, so the best time to take fat-soluble vitamins is while eating meals that contain fats to enhance their absorption, and it is preferable to choose healthy fats such as fatty fish, nuts, avocados, and olive oil.
Knowing the best time to take vitamins, some examples of fat-soluble vitamins include:
Vitamin A.
Vitamin D.
Vitamin E.
Vitamin K.
After knowing the best time to take vitamins, it is important to know that these vitamins should not be taken without making sure that the body needs them, and if you do not suffer from a deficiency in the levels of these vitamins in the body, then they should not be taken as nutritional supplements, and the best is to obtain the body’s need from them directly. way of food.
3. Prenatal vitamins
Pregnant women usually get a group of vitamins and minerals together, such as calcium, iron, and folic acid, which are recommended to be taken before lunch, as it is the best time to absorb all of these vitamins, and it is advised to know the best time to take vitamin B12 in case you need to take it.
According to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, iron is best absorbed when taken on an empty stomach, and cannot be properly absorbed if taken after eating dairy products.
While iron is absorbed better if it is taken with a drink containing vitamin C such as orange juice, and if a woman feels nausea and constipation from taking vitamins, it is recommended to take it on an empty stomach or with a glass of water.
If these vitamins cause fatigue, they can be taken immediately before bedtime, and the matter varies according to the experience of each woman, but the most important thing is to be regular in taking them daily.
4. Multivitamin capsules
After knowing the best time to take a multivitamin, it is important to know that a multivitamin is a multivitamin that combines more than one vitamin in one capsule and may contain additional minerals that enhance its benefits.
Multivitamins often contain some fat-soluble vitamins, so it is recommended to take them with a meal for easier absorption, as some multivitamins can cause stomach upset when taken on an empty stomach.
There is not enough information about the effect of taking multivitamins before bed, so the best time to take them can be chosen throughout the day.
The best time to take minerals
Now that you know the best time to take vitamins, here's the best time to take some minerals:
Calcium is an important mineral for promoting bone health. There are different types of calcium and different recommendations on how to take it. Calcium citrate (a common calcium supplement) can be taken alone or with a meal, while a calcium carbonate supplement needs the help of stomach acid to break it down, and therefore it is preferable to take it with the food.
Calcium supplements can interfere with some medications, such as some types of antibiotics, osteoporosis medications, blood pressure medications, antacids, anti-seizure medications, and cholesterol medications.
In some cases, taking calcium can help the body absorb more of the drug, and in other cases, the body may absorb less of the drug, so talk to your doctor about how prescription medications may interact with calcium (or any other supplement you're taking).
Also, calcium should not be taken at the same time as iron or magnesium-rich supplements. Because the body may not absorb it. Some research indicates that calcium may help sleep, but it is preferable to consult a doctor about when to take it.
After knowing the best time to take vitamins, it is important to know that magnesium helps regulate nerve function, control blood pressure and build bones in partnership with calcium, but magnesium can cause digestive disorders and may cause loose stools, in which case you should talk to your doctor about The possibility of reducing the dose.
It is preferable to take magnesium at night, as it promotes healthy sleep and may help relieve leg pain in the evening for people who suffer from this problem.
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