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Lines on the nails: types and causes

 Lines on the nails: types and causes

What are the reasons for the appearance of lines on the nails? Is it possible for these lines to indicate serious illness? The most important information is in the following article.

In some cases, you may notice the appearance of lines on the nails, so let's learn about the reasons for the appearance of these lines and the most important information related to them.

Lines on the nails

In some health conditions, changes occur in the nail bed and the nail itself, which causes the appearance of longitudinal or horizontal lines on the nails. These lines usually consist of keratin, which is a protein found in the nails, hair, and skin.

Types of nail lines and their causes

These are the most prominent types of lines that may appear on the nails:

1. Beau's Lines

Beau's lines are small depressions extending longitudinally or transversely that may appear on the surface of the toenails or fingernails.

It often arises due to a health problem whose negative impact extends to various parts of the body rather than a specific area, or as a result of a health problem that may hinder nail growth.

Here is a list of the most important factors that may cause this type of line on the nails:

Having some health problems and diseases, such as:


Some types of bacterial or fungal diseases or infections.

Deficiency of some nutrients, such as zinc deficiency.

Some diseases of the circulatory system, such as heart attack, and peripheral vascular disease.

Diseases that may cause high fever, such as scarlet fever, measles, and mumps.

Liver diseases.

Metabolic problems and diseases, such as diabetes out of control.

Taking certain types of medications or undergoing certain treatments, such as chemotherapy.


undergo surgery.

Exposure to some types of toxins.

2. Muerhcke's Lines

Muercke's lines are one of the types of lines that may appear as a result of various factors, as Muercke's lines take the form of a double white line that extends horizontally between the ends of the nail, and these lines do not move from their place with the growth of the nail.

Mohrke's lines usually appear on more than one nail at the same time, but they do not appear on the thumbnails, and this type of line on the nails tends to fade and disappear temporarily when pressure is applied to the nails.

Although there is no clear and precise cause for Moorke's lines, scientists suggest that hypoalbuminemia may increase the chances of Moorke's lines appearing on the nails, and this deficiency often appears in the following groups:

Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

People who follow poor diets may cause malnutrition.

People with one of these health problems: kidney disease, liver disease.

3. Longitudinal lines

This type appears in the form of bumps that extend longitudinally from the root of the nail to its edge, and it may be accompanied by other symptoms, such as: thinning or increasing the thickness of the nail, the nail losing its soft texture, and the tendency of the nails to crack and break easily.

Longitudinal lines on the nails are often a natural phenomenon resulting from advancing age and are not a cause for concern. These are some other factors and causes that may lead to longitudinal lines on the nails:

Having some types of anemia.

Splinter hemorrhage, which is a blood clot under the nails.

Other health problems, such as grooved nails, peripheral vascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and a tumor of the skin lining the nail.

Exposure to an accident or injury.

Excessive use of some nail polish products.

Other causes of lines on the nails

These are some other reasons that may lead to the appearance of lines on the nails:

Infection with some diseases and health problems in the digestive system, such as Crohn's disease and celiac disease.

Some skin diseases, such as psoriasis and eczema.

Diagnosis and treatment of lines on the nail

It is preferable to see a doctor to closely examine the lines on the nails, especially in the following cases:

If these lines appeared on the nails suddenly and without warning.

If these lines appeared due to an injury or an accident that caused serious damage to the nail.

Usually, the nail lines that appeared due to an accident do not require any treatment, but the nail recovers with time. As for the lines that appeared due to a medical problem, these may fade once the necessary treatment for this problem is obtained, which varies from case to case.
